Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin Mircioiu
President of Pharmaceutical Dept. Academy of Medical Sciences Vice-President of National Commission of Bioethics of Drugs and Medical Devices
President of Pharmaceutical Dept. Academy of Medical Sciences
Vice-President of National Commission of Bioethics of Drugs and Medical Devices
Previous positions:
- Head of the Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Biostatistics, University of Medicine and
- Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, 1992 – 2012.
- Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Bucharest, 2004-2008, Chancellor 2008-2012
- Head of Dept. of Biopharmacy, Army Center for Medical Research,
- Member in European Center for Validation of Alternative Methods Scientific Advisory Committee, Joint Research Center, Ispra, 2006-2009
- President of Romanian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Fields of Specialisation
- Main field: biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics;
- Other fields: pharmaceutical technology, biostatistics.
Current research activities
- Fundamental research concerning the physicochemical component of the action mechanism of drug molecules at the membranar interfaces; mathematical methods applied in biopharmacy, pharmacokinetics, toxokinetics and clinical pharmacy; applied research in pharmaceutical technology in antidote design, dissolution, bioanalytics and bioequivalence of drugs.
- Director for Bioequivalence studies at Biopharmacy & Pharmacol Res S. A.
- Part of research published (85 in ISI scientific journals and volumes), books (“Pharmacological mechanisms at membranar interfaces”, Romanian Academy Publ. House, 1994; Mathematics Applied in Pharmacy, 2000, Biostatistics 2005, 2010, Pharmacokinetics 2008, associated editor for NBC Risks. Current Capabilities and Future Perspectives for Protection, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1999), Biostatistics, Fundamental Pharmacokinetics etc
- Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences
- American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
Awards: Prize “Daniel Daniepolu” of Romanian Academy, 1994.
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